

Lifestyle Co-ordinator From Queensland, Australia Australia flag
Part time Lifestyle Co-ordinator since June 2012 at Coolum Beach Care Centre, Queensland: a fifty bed facility including a ten bed memory support unit.
Astrid Lifestyle Co-ordinator
7 years ago
Gift Idea: Plant Arrangement
Hi Just letting you know Sansevieria is a classified class R environmental weed in Queensland, Australia and even there are no restrictions on it being sold (go figure) it is highly invasive in nat...
Astrid Lifestyle Co-ordinator
7 years ago
Little Leprechaun Hats
A new activity has been posted by a Golden Carers member: Little Leprechaun Hats
Astrid Lifestyle Co-ordinator
8 years ago
12 Ways to Appreciate Volunteers
In Australia go to the following for resources and downloads to help celebrate National Volunteers week from 9 to 15 May for 2016. This is the website:
Astrid Lifestyle Co-ordinator
8 years ago
Leprechaun #2 for St Patricks Day
I laminated the pieces of the decorated leprechaun to then blu tack to the wall except for the face which had cotton wool. Its part of this years st patricks day display which was put up in the weeks...
Astrid Lifestyle Co-ordinator
9 years ago
8 Tips for Planning Successful Dog Visits for Seniors
How do you manage cats in pet therapy? Out of a pet carrier they are liable to be unfamiliar with their surroundinga and may resist being held by elders. I would be concerned with cats scratching peop...
Astrid Lifestyle Co-ordinator
9 years ago
If anyone hasnt already done so, Pintrest is excellent for inspiration on how and what to do for almost anything or topic. Just mind how much time you will want to spend exploring every good idea!
1 Reply
Astrid Lifestyle Co-ordinator
9 years ago
What is Dementia? Alzheimer's Disease vs Dementia
Another rare type of dementia not mentioned in your article is Posterior Cortical Atrophy where people experience decline in processing visual information and therefore progressively lose the ability...
Astrid Lifestyle Co-ordinator
10 years ago
I gave some samples of font types, sizes and layouts to our elders to choose from and the most popular one was one that I could print onto a template and then cut and fit into plastic covers that had...
Astrid Lifestyle Co-ordinator
10 years ago
We had a PJ day where staff and elders were invited to wear PJs and come to a special morning tea with hot chocolate and marshmallows and special biscuits for a change. Elders enjoyed seeing staff out...
Astrid Lifestyle Co-ordinator
10 years ago
Pancake treat
We often take the pancake mix and ingredients and toppings with us on our weekly bus outings and cook the pancakes on picnic ground BBQs for afternoon tea. Elders assist cooking and enjoy making and...
Astrid Lifestyle Co-ordinator
11 years ago
Play Dough Crafts
I also have tried play dough with success. We have also used it with more able people in a game where players have to make an object unknown to other players out of the dough and they have to guess wh...
Astrid Lifestyle Co-ordinator
11 years ago
Taste Day
We do this at our monthly outdoor morning tea where I choose a country and we taste two foods. It could be from an elder's country of origin or just random choices. I display the country flag and or a...
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Salena Riley
Development Worker United Kingdom Flag
Salena Riley

I’m loving your website, it’s been a great help to me over the last six months since I started my new role. Lots of hints and tips, great activities, and it’s great that we can contribute too. It’s fantastic to have such a universal source of information, how we have a common goal and language despite our worldwide locations. Thank you!