

Diversional Therapist From New South Wales, Australia Australia flag
David Diversional Therapist
12 years ago
Amy, just to name a few classic movies (the obvious ones) - Casablanca, Oklohoma, Sound of Music, The King & I, Fiddler on the Roof, Gone with the Wind, Singing in the Rain etc. I find the men li...
David Diversional Therapist
12 years ago
Hi Jasmeet, try (sensory) activities that suit the other senses i.e. taste, hearing, touch, smell. For example: food tasting; flower baskets/flower smelling; sensory music CDs; touch kits/bags with...
David Diversional Therapist
12 years ago
Sandra, with regards to outings & numbers of staff, whilst there is no standard minimum number (& it depends on each facilities policy), I would recommend - no matter the amount of clients you have...
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Corazon de la Cruz
Occupational Therapy Assistant Australia Flag
Corazon de la Cruz

I cannot thank you enough. I am so lost without The Golden Carers Resources.