

Diversional Therapist From Queensland, Australia Australia flag
Michelle Diversional Therapist
6 years ago
6 Whiteboard Games for the Elderly
Thank you for the white board games. I am looking forward to playing jeopardy with my clients soon.
Michelle Diversional Therapist
7 years ago
This Day in History for Seniors: January
Wow. Thank you all so much to those who contributed to this. I too can’t wait to use this each month .
Michelle Diversional Therapist
7 years ago
And sometimes I ask my clients to swap hands- use their non dominant hand . we use a short pool noodle to hit the balloons and try to keep it / them off the ground ! Yes, after a bit of time, I throw...
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Rosemary de Kook
Team Leader Day Program Australia Flag
Rosemary de Kook

This is the most wonderful resource that can be used year in and year out, a great addition for staff when they are planning activities.