Geraldine M
Lifestyle therapist
Geraldine M
Lifestyle therapist
Create Your Own Hangman!
This is tricky I have an interview on Tuesday 4th May 2021 for a Lifestyle position as working in the Community your hours diminsh when some one goes into hospital. If I get the position which i ho...
Geraldine M
Lifestyle therapist
4 Neurobic Brain Exercises for Baby Boomers
Thanks for providing interesting imaginative ideas and advice.
Geraldine M
Lifestyle therapist
How to Start an Advent Morning Tea Tradition
Loved the Advent wreath so pretty and inspiring. Like tha candels such a great start to Christmas
Geraldine M
Lifestyle therapist
Sundownder Music
Fantastic just hooked up with Spotify. Thank you for sharing your talents and skills. Bless all Activity Lifestyle co ordinators. Geraldine Melican
Geraldine M
Lifestyle therapist
Blank Word Search Grid for Residents
Fantastic ideas...........really enjoy looking up activities or just to jog my me confidence as have just graduated. Well done.
Geraldine M
Lifestyle therapist
Two-Minute Activities for Dementia Care
Wonderful practicle low cost heart warming activities. Thanks for reminding me. Very valuable Geraldine Melican
Geraldine M
Lifestyle therapist
Dementia Care & The Physical Environment
Really helpful thought provking advice well done
Geraldine M
Lifestyle therapist
What is goal-directed behaviour?
fantastic analysis of Dementia in a NUrsing facility. Well Done
Geraldine M
Lifestyle therapist
Good on you Jane loved your story so positive. It works well if the residents dont have their dog in the facility. Bless your work
Geraldine M
Lifestyle therapist
I have worked in Aged care for 6 years and Lifestyle iis fairlty new to me but what a whole new world of ideas motivation you have provided
kind regards Geraldine
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Jane Walker
Activities Coordinator
Golden Carers is my life saver. There is so much to choose from. I'm printing things every night. Golden Carers is brilliant.