

Occupational Therapy Assistant From Western Australia, Australia Australia flag
Tricia Occupational Therapy Assistant
5 years ago
3 Ways to Practise Mindfulness with the Elderly
I am a deep believer in the power of deep breathing practices, having been thoroughly trained in this and in Kundalini Yoga. Most people 'shallow' breathe when stressed or when inactive. Oxygen is...
Tricia Occupational Therapy Assistant
5 years ago
Finish the Proverbs #4
I started this Proverbs and Parables and a Quiz yesterday. This is age-old wisdom that transcends time. If you get them to guess the endings and then ask them what it all means, you can come up with...
Tricia Occupational Therapy Assistant
6 years ago
Words in Words Game
Love these types of Quizzes, it gets our Residents thinking, laughing and competing to give the answers!
Tricia Occupational Therapy Assistant
6 years ago
Craft Snake
What a fun thing to colour! You can always pitch in, just make sure to use different colors for the triangles, and dots. Then, cutting apart and hanging with a bit of string - well, any air blowing...
Tricia Occupational Therapy Assistant
6 years ago
Charades Game for the Elderly
Charades is one of the most fun activities - family played it this past Christmas. It is incredibly challenging to do everything with sign language and not speak while you are doing this. Good on yo...
Tricia Occupational Therapy Assistant
7 years ago
Sundownder Music
No! We have an older IPad though. Something to plan and collect funding for, maybe with Raffles and Donations, perhaps. Best of Luck.
Tricia Occupational Therapy Assistant
7 years ago
Kindness Advent Calendar
Great idea. I would like to print off a Kindness Calendar for every month of the year, starting with January!!! Just to remind people, to prioritise, to place value on sharing Kindness and spreadin...
Tricia Occupational Therapy Assistant
7 years ago
This Day in History for Seniors: January
You know - I think I would love to see this EVERY month .... if you are willing to do the Research!! I know that is alot of work. But, it brings back memories for the elderly of important people they...
Tricia Occupational Therapy Assistant
7 years ago
Sundownder Music
It is helpful, if you have an iPad, to take it round to individual Residents and play their favourites. If you don't know what these are, try: Somewhere over the Rainbow by Judy Garland, Hallelujah...
Tricia Occupational Therapy Assistant
7 years ago
Sundownder Music
We are also doing the Tune Into Life Music project. As I was choosing music for individual playlists, I was amazed at how many people chose The Beatles. Well! That night I played some Beatles favou...
Tricia Occupational Therapy Assistant
7 years ago
Double O Word Game
I could have alot of fun with the Boo game; thanks.
Tricia Occupational Therapy Assistant
7 years ago
Sundownder Music
Slower music can be very calming to the soul .... and is suitable for the ending of anyone's day.
Tricia Occupational Therapy Assistant
7 years ago
Sundownder Music
A new activity has been posted by a Golden Carers member: Sundownder Music
Tricia Occupational Therapy Assistant
7 years ago
Pot Luck Quiz 3
A toad in the hole also means cutting a hole in a piece of piece of toast, put in a fry pan, and fry an egg in the hole until done. Voila/ Presto: A Toad in a Hole!
Tricia Occupational Therapy Assistant
7 years ago
Karin and Kaitlyn, I am also from Alberta, Canada and work as an Occupational Therapy Assistant in Perth, Western Australia. Email me if you like to chat: [email protected] Tricia.
Tricia Occupational Therapy Assistant
7 years ago
Go to: and order any of the Singalong DVD's. I find people love to sing and they like these played over and over. I have never had a complaint. They are older pers...
Tricia Occupational Therapy Assistant
7 years ago
Hi! Several of our Residents love "Word Search" (including Dementia people). I tried : and created my own Word Search, which was alot of fun....
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Judith Prince
Carer United States Flag
Judith Prince

You're quite the special angel here to assist everyone. It takes a special kind of person to deal with seniors - they are not given the respect or credit they so deserve to have lasted this long on this earth. To have witnessed such history is amazing. So many are forgotten about and I try everyday to share RAOKs (Random Acts of Kindness) with any person I see that could use it - thank you again for the great ideas which I hope to spread around the area to help make others know how special they are.