

Activity Coordinator From Michigan, United States United States flag
Christin Activity Coordinator
5 years ago
I agree with the other poster. I've seen them present so many times over the years at conferences. I just feel nowadays the technology of it is out dated. You can do all of those things with a tablet/...
Christin Activity Coordinator
6 years ago
Hello all, I am working on my January calendar and I plan to do a "Let it snow" themed day. I have a couple of activities I plan to do such as making crystalized snowflakes, sugary tortilla snowfla...
2 Replies
Christin Activity Coordinator
6 years ago
We call this activity Personal Treasures. Very very nice :)
Christin Activity Coordinator
6 years ago
Eldersong sells a book called "52 Weeks Studying the Word". We have it and it works great for our Bible Study. Worth the investment.
Christin Activity Coordinator
6 years ago
I use table tents that I change out every month. They are kind of like the things that a restaurant might put on a table that you can flip through. I will put fun facts, jokes, conversation starters,...
Christin Activity Coordinator
6 years ago
Agree with many other posters. Sounds like you need to have some time to train your staff on how to facilitate activities, teach them about the activities, etc. Or it sounds like your facility really...
Christin Activity Coordinator
6 years ago
I think to call it music therapy it must be done by a Music Therapist. There are a variety of things you can do involving therapeutic music activities though. We offer a Rhythm Band activity with inst...
Christin Activity Coordinator
6 years ago
I don't know where you live and where this site ships to, but is a great resource for stuff like that.
Christin Activity Coordinator
6 years ago
Find out from her family what she used to enjoy doing, what her job/career was, any hobbies. Having this information could help us to formulate some suggestions. Without knowing that info, you could...
Christin Activity Coordinator
7 years ago
I think that depends more on your group. We have a lot of people who will remember certain activities and may say things like "we just did that!" If that is the situation you are in, then I would chan...
Christin Activity Coordinator
7 years ago
Unfortunately, it sounds like they need the door to door reminders. Do you have any other staff that can help you round people up especially when yuo have a guest coming in?
Christin Activity Coordinator
7 years ago
Basically just offer activities or things that interest the person. For example, we don't want to only have Bingo as an activity when Sally finds no purpose and has no interest in bingo. How can you b...
Christin Activity Coordinator
7 years ago
Sounds like more sensory stimulation activities would be a good option. You could also look into Montessori Based activities. Listen to music with them, play with som instruments, very simple baking (...
Christin Activity Coordinator
7 years ago
I would look at Teepa Snow's trainings to help educate your staff more on Dementia. They are excellent. What did your residents once enjoy? Did they like music, if so singing. Did they enjoy gettin...
Christin Activity Coordinator
7 years ago
We do a walking challenge. Staff purchase or already have a fitbit or pedometer (unless your company will help pay for them). We track the steps each week and give prizes throughout the 6 week challen...
Christin Activity Coordinator
7 years ago
Are you looking for something not religious? We offer Hymn Sings which go over well for whatever functioning level. We also have a service done by a pastor that includes music. We offer a Bible...
Christin Activity Coordinator
7 years ago
It depends what you are wanting to do. There are a lot of books, discussion questions, etc that you can purchase for a specific type of reminiscence group, but you could also develop content on your o...
Christin Activity Coordinator
7 years ago
There are so many different varieties of Bingo that you can offer: Standard Bingo, Musical Bingo, Card (with jumbo playing cards) Bingo, Reminiscing Bingo. To be person centered, it makes sense to o...
Christin Activity Coordinator
7 years ago
Here's a list of funny ones we've used before. Just typed them up and had them draw them out of a hat. Eating a banana Playing the Violin Playing Tennis Watching a tennis game Swatting at a...
Christin Activity Coordinator
7 years ago
Restless Residents in the Night
That's a wonderful idea. Very person-centered and a great visual cue. Also helping to make the residents feel more at home at the same time.
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Debra Gaiz
Aged Care Carer Australia Flag
Debra Gaiz

This website is such a great hit! I look forward to many enjoyable months ahead. Your site is absolutely amazing! I use it all the time.