

Diversional Therapists From Victoria, Australia Australia flag
Rachel Diversional Therapists
6 years ago
Diversional Therapists plan, design, coordinate and implement recreation and leisure-based activity programs to support, challenge and enhance the psychological, spiritual, social, emotional and physi...
Rachel Diversional Therapists
7 years ago
Doing a Diploma of Leisure and Health lets you work with and provide a higher quality of life to a variety of people from all walks of life.It is way more than just a piece of paper.Imagine if anyone...
Rachel Diversional Therapists
7 years ago
Thanks for all your advice. I would prefer to offer something else but we still have three residents who love to attend. Thanks Rachel
Rachel Diversional Therapists
7 years ago
Hi all, On our program we run a cafe an coffee/tea and biscuits activity.Once apone a time it attracted quite a few residents but is now only engaging 3 residents.I need help in how to make this ac...
4 Replies
Rachel Diversional Therapists
7 years ago
Hi Victoria, Make some small christmas trees out of party hats.Cover them in tinsel add a star to the top and little mini pon poms to decorate the tree.They can then be worn as christmas hats or kept...
Rachel Diversional Therapists
7 years ago
Hi all, As a lifestyle coordinator l am noticing that some carer staff with no background in activities are doing activity shifts. I too once was a p.c.a but l did my diploma in order to do lifestyle...
16 Replies
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Annatjie Greeff
Nursing Manager South Africa Flag
Annatjie Greeff

This site has meant the world to me. It is so broad and covers a lot of aspects of Elderly living. I am so confident about presenting my activities to my Residents, as we find it stimulating, both physical and cognitively