

Activities Coordinator From England, United Kingdom United Kingdom flag
I am an activities co ordinator for a nursing home, majority is is advanced dementia. I Love the role. it gives me purpose and gives the residents a good quality of life.
Ema Activities Coordinator
6 years ago
I don't know what it's like outside the UK, but what when I started my role was introduce myself to all the local businesses and explained what I did and hoped they could help for events coming up. I...
Ema Activities Coordinator
6 years ago
I find that any volunteers that come in usually find the ones they for with. I think it's a great idea to encourage this. It's hard trying to assist someone that you cannot lend yourself fully too....
Ema Activities Coordinator
6 years ago
Good idea Kim, what I did was looked at his past history of what he used to do this may be in his file or a family or friend member have a chat with them and see what you can do to reintroduce. One...
Ema Activities Coordinator
6 years ago
I decorated the room with green and gold as you see they were by the window and the sun rays were hitting the gold and they were shining, I had shamrock cut out and placed on the walls and music play...
Ema Activities Coordinator
6 years ago
Hi guys I am in the UK I live in Wales and work in England. My residents are late dementia so i encouraged the idea of the daffodil flower. We celebrated st David's day but doing drawings of daffs an...
Ema Activities Coordinator
6 years ago
Here I took the laminated sheet and reinforced it with kebab sticks and we are going to hang them in a skylight to reduce sun rays in the room. Easy to do and this can be developed in so many ways.
Ema Activities Coordinator
6 years ago
what you need for this project is tissue paper. I used a laminator as well. Heat the alminator up and use A4 laminating sheets. tear or cut the tissue paper into strips or shapes and place in betee...
Ema Activities Coordinator
6 years ago
Hi there, I have a resident that is just like yours and diversion is the way forward. I have a cuppa and a chat and talk about something that they relate to. I ask her to be descriptive on something...
Ema Activities Coordinator
6 years ago
Hi there, my residents cannot move around and are sedentary but we do like to have a laugh we used balloon and buckets. With numbers on the residents hit the ball on and they paired up with a carer a...
Ema Activities Coordinator
6 years ago
Hi I work in a advanced dementia and end of life so majority if the residents are bed bound or limited to not walking. So I recently have made a stained glass effect with plastic a4 sheet and tissue...
Ema Activities Coordinator
6 years ago
The home I work in, when the residents come in the family fill in an overview history of the person. I don't usually do an assessment as such but more a con cessation in getting to know them. There i...
Ema Activities Coordinator
6 years ago
The home I work in is somewhat limited and a good third are on bed rest, the ones we do have up and about like to have a coffee afternoon Tuesday and Thursday. In that time we tend to lean towards a s...
Ema Activities Coordinator
6 years ago
Hi, Great Idea. I did a newletter about all levels of Arthritis and the one I used was FIT 4 ARTHRITIS, still going to this day. it taked about all different areas of arthritis........ a fit mind a...
Ema Activities Coordinator
6 years ago
Hi, I would say yes this is something that needs to be updated all the time. Not only does it help with helping you to train others when they become a member of the work force so it compliments th...
Ema Activities Coordinator
6 years ago
I have many people who are like this and in my experience dementia patients relate extremely well to primary colours, red yellow and blue. even though this lady cannot read or write she could engage...
Ema Activities Coordinator
6 years ago
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Naomi Silver
Leisure and Health Officer Australia Flag
Naomi Silver

Thank you for all your excellent suggestions and resources, what a great site and well worth the annual membership.