

Diversional Therapist From Canterbury, New Zealand New Zealand flag
Lisa Diversional Therapist
6 years ago
Card Bingo
We have the large deck of playing cards and deal 6 cards per resident. We place them in 2 lines of 3 cards we do one LINE (3 cards across)then we go for the HOUSE (ALL 6 CARDS) per game. The caller...
Lisa Diversional Therapist
6 years ago
6 Resume & Interview Tips for Activity Coordinators
One question I was asked was what was the goal of or sign that you have succeeded in your role with a resident. My answer...a smile on the residents face. I got the job :-)
Lisa Diversional Therapist
6 years ago
14 tips for communicating with people who have hearing loss
Fantastic article. I am printing it off to add to our volunteers information.
Lisa Diversional Therapist
6 years ago
I would like to participate with my residents. We are hospital level of care in Christchurch ,New Zealand. Of particular interest would be penpals from Ireland and the UK due to a lot of our residents...
Lisa Diversional Therapist
6 years ago
I took my men to the local pub for 1 drink and a bar meal they really enjoyed that. I had one to one ratio and used men volunteers .
Lisa Diversional Therapist
6 years ago
Dominoes, ball of wool with knitting needles.
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Sally Hagy
Volunteer United States Flag
Sally Hagy

I just love love love this site - each time I'm glued to the many and awesome ideas to engage with our seniors. I recently downloaded some of the crossword puzzles and these seniors are fabulous to work with. That is just the tip of the iceberg. In this new chapter of my life, as semi-retired, I am so enjoying my time with seniors and watching them light up; I feel I've found a new niche. It's extremely gratifying. As to the cost of membership, it came out of my pocket - I rationalised that it was only about $3/month, less than many magazines. So keep up the GREAT work!!! Thanks again Golden Carers!!!!!