

Therapeutic Recreationist From Ontario, Canada Canada flag
Beverly Therapeutic Recreationist
2 years ago
Hi there I had the privilege of working with some visually impaired and hearing impaired at an adult day program. The clients are your greatest resource.I would test things and trial and ask for feed...
Beverly Therapeutic Recreationist
3 years ago
Hi there Yes most certainly we would have some clients that would love to be a pen pal. Please reach out to Bev Latour co Sam Central Program Adult Day Program 10 Pearl Street North Unit A Hamilton...
Beverly Therapeutic Recreationist
4 years ago
Find The Hidden Objects - Car Yard
This is a great puzzle to do in particular for those that cannot read. Would you happen to have any more? Thanks so much for all the valuable puzzles they are a great tool!
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Diane Mccuish
Recreation Team Leader New Zealand Flag
Diane Mccuish

Thank you so much for allowing us to share all the wonderful ideas that are on Golden Carers. It is so helpful, inspiring and they give our residents so much fun and the feeling of achievement once we have completed them. It is great that we can spread the days out and do a lot over time rather than in one session. THANK YOU ALL