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Quilting Activity - For those with limited abilities
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Janine Peucker, Lifestyle Coordinator
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In our region, barn quilts are popular. These are large painted quilts that appear on barns. These quilts tell a story about the property or family that live there. This activity could be adapted so that participants choose colours and patterns that tell a story about their life.
That's a really lovely idea Leah
Hi Alison
Wow this is great
Thanks. Glad you like it.
We did some patchwork using paper.
Over the course of a couple of sessions, we painted the flowers (about 10cm square of white, 6 to an A4 page).
The next session we centred the flowers on a background page using glue.
Then the residents helped to choose four pieces to join together to make another square using sticky tape on the back.
Finally, I put the medium size squares together to make a large "quilt" to adorn a wall in our dining room.
A new activity has been posted by a Golden Carers member: SIMPLE QUILTING ACTIVITY- for those with limited abilities