Say Hello & Goodbye in Different Languages

Say Hello & Goodbye in Different Languages
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Diana avatar

Good Bye in Māori is Ka kite/Haere rā

Susan avatar

Hi Diana

Thank you for sharing this

Sir Winston Churchill Home avatar

As an addition to your "Say 'Hello" in Different Languages", 'Goodbyes" in the different languages have been provided

Talita avatar

Fabulous, thank you! This has been updated!

Adelia  avatar

Republic of the Marshall Islands


Susan avatar

Great ideas Debra thank you

Debra  avatar

we also included some of the traditions people use when saying hello- rubbing noses, bowing, handshakes from different cultures and even for fun discussed how we say hello to our animals- or they say hello to us- dog wagging tail, cat rubbing against leg, animals lined up at the door, etc- as some clients have or have had special animals in their lives.

Also special greetings that mean a lot- grand kids saying hello etc.

Group also stood and introduced themselves one at a time and everyone in room yelled out hello!

for people with memory loss, sat in a circle and shook hands with the person next to them and waved to the person across from them as well as some discussion time.

Talita avatar

These are wonderful ideas, thank you for sharing Debra

yasmin avatar

Fijian - Bula

Sophie  avatar

finally something that can include all resident, eg ethnicity, travel, dialect,schooling and personal interaction to loved ones. thanks for the insperation. a small word/action that every in the world uses many times a day. sophie

Talita avatar

Thank you so much for your feedback Sophie!

Eva avatar

hello, in Czech republic we say Ahoj :]

Talita avatar

Thank you Eva, we'll add it to our list!

Georgia avatar

Cambodia - Susaday

Agata avatar

Poland should be -Czesc

Solange avatar

Thank you all for the additions. They shall be added to the list!

Joanne avatar

Pulya- Australian aboriginal language

Talita avatar

Thank you for all your input, the activity has been updated!

Binubia avatar

In Spanish we say Hola means Hello

Anne avatar

Malo e lelei ..... Tongan

Tatjana avatar


Faith avatar

Polish - Dzien Dobry

Talita avatar

Thank you Loreta, we have added this!

Loreta avatar

Philippines- Kamusta

Brett avatar
Brett Lifestyle & Leisure Coordinator

Malta - Merhba

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