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I am new in this field, so thank you for all the ideas and advice that helps me a great deal. Our new facility is slowly filling up. Every bit helps as the residents are not keen on participating.
Hi Magdel
Here are some ideas to get more to participate
We do a segment called "Friday Funnies", 15 minutes between classes where we just
tell jokes and funny stories. More often then not, I hear the residents repeating them in
the hallways and lunch room. Laughter is truly the best medicine!
Hi Tammy
Sounds like great fun
I agree laughter is the best medicine
Hi Sue
Thank you for sharing this
(Before Covid-19) I would finish an exercise session with 'the right and left game'. So, write a short story which will last up to 5 minutes, and incorporate the words 'right' (or 'write' or Mr. Wright etc etc) and 'left' ( or 'lieutenant' or Mrs. Lefty etc. etc.) alternately throughout the story. Give a ball or balloon to some of the group members, sitting in a circle and close enough to pass the ball from one to another. After explaining the rules, every time you say the word 'right' the balls pass to the right and change direction when you say 'left'.
You will need to judge how many balls to use and how frequently the group 'change direction' according to group ability.
Truthfully, this is hilarious! Quite often I just cannot make myself heard above the laughter - but who cares!!
Also, ask if anyone can actually remember parts of the story at the end - this is often very interesting.
Download the Laughing Policeman from Itunes. You will have residents and staff in fits of laughter. I get everybody to laugh along with the song.
Reading a couple or three hilarious short stories to all residents before starting exercises or activities will make them awake and very attentive.
Love this Jun! Great idea!
A true saying'Laughter is the best medicine'
Yes so true x
I also sing loud and proud during our sing along time (and am not that good !) but it always gets a chuckle from even the serious ones ! And will get other joining in !
Yes Leslie! I love a good and loud sing along! :)
I had the clients at our Social Day Program make some medium sized pom poms with yarn of various colors and we have "snowball" fights randomly. I had a full set of 'snowballs' however, we lost a few to a rambunctious group that REALLY got into the game.
This always induces laughter beyond the 4 walls we start off in and occasionally the directors of the program and the senior center join in! It is a certain guarantee that I will be the target and I am just fine with that!
Great idea, Pamela!
I definitely believe in laughter, as much for the clients as for the employees/volunteers. Like you say it is maintaining that balance of professionalism and having the chance to have a laugh and create a smile or two.
We always end up heartily laughing when we play balloon tennis, as the residents are sitting and whacking balloons around the room with myself and the volunteers running around to pick up the balloons and pass them back to them. Often they start off, no don't want to play, but then when we get started they all join in, even the quiet ones.
Love this Salena!
Yes, we love the ballon volley with pool noodles ! I had a resident laughing so hard she had tears watching me attempt to use a hand held air pump for the first time ! Took me 20 minutes to blow up 8 balloons!!
Haley has submitted a new article: The Magic of Being Silly