Tie & Bow-tie Decorations

Tie & Bow-tie Decorations
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Raewyn avatar

Thank you for all the wonderful ideas. Never disappointed when looking for inspiration when logging on to Golden Carers. We are so fortunate to have access to so many different ideas to use on a daily bases.

Talita avatar

Thank you so very much for your feedback Raewyn, this is really appreciated x

Heather  avatar

Thank you for these great ideas for Fathers Day. I am always thinking/ looking for something for the men to do on this day. This year Fathers Day will be special. Thank you for your help.

Talita avatar

Thanks so much for your feedback Heather!

Layla avatar
Layla Leisure and Lifestyle Coordinator

Very helpful to plan crafts activities for care recipients which they enjoy doing

Talita avatar

Thank you so much for your feedback Layla!

Autumn Tree


Terracotta Pot Painting

Papier-Mache Maracas - percussion instruments