Words in Words Game

Words in Words Game
89 0 390 360

This game is very popular!  It is fun, social, and entertaining and is sure to generate a lot of laughter and lively discussion.


  • Provide mental stimulation
  • Foster social interaction
  • Reinforce self-worth


A whiteboard or large piece of paper


1. Encourage participants to brainstorm a word for the game

3. Write the chosen word on the whiteboard

2. Challenge participants to create new words using only the letters from the initial word

Personal Experience:

Once, one of my clients chose the word 'pedestrian'. We made an amazing 122 words from it! We invited staff and management to join us and we played for well over an hour. For many days afterward, we had staff coming up with extra words.

A very worthwhile activity!

6 Popular Whiteboard Games for the Elderly

to comment
Lynne avatar

Kathy, exactly what I have been doing, with great success. Sometimes giving them the first letter to help find the word. Although I find myself more in the dementia unit now, I will try with small words and any amount will be an absolute bonus. Cheers.

Kathy avatar

I do this every week with my residents, and they never seem to tire of it. Our goal is usually 100 words. On the internet you can get all the solutions for a word, so to make the activity a little more interesting, you can give clues for certain words they have to find. For example, one of the words might be lounge, so you could give them the clue that the word they have to find is a piece of furniture.

Susannah avatar

I put the word Pedestrian to my residents for a challenge to see if they could beat the original 122 word score and they managed to find 150 words which was amazing from just one word. Very good game - especially for the competitive sorts. Thanks.

Solange avatar

Hi Ann, thank you for the feedback. I am also very successful with word games. Not long ago I had a session with early stages Alzheimer's residents and they thoroughly enjoyed it.

Anne avatar

we call this activity Words in a word and we managed to get 201 words from uncopyrightable. I use words that have all the vowels in them. next time I will try pedestrian and see how we go. Another good word game is words that sound like Say. Words don't have to end in ay e.g. neigh, weigh etc.

Sharyn avatar

I have that game on my monthly activity planner and call it whiteboard trivia, they have words in the sunday telegraph that I use we get the answers the next day and most times we get them all right.

Solange avatar

H Nicole, you and your residents ought to be congratulated!

Nicole avatar
Nicole Recreational activities officer in aged care

We played this game at our facility and found 155 words in pedestrian I was so proud of the residents

Marjana avatar

Hi. We play ward game

Rules: no less than four letter words,no plurals and no proper nouns

We will try PEDESTRIAN

Amanda avatar

Hi there,

We used the word PEDESTRIAN for a word game and I informed our clients that another place had found 122 words. Well the challenge was on and they found 169 words before we had to stop for lunch. Visiting relatives eagerly joined in and we had a great time.



Solange avatar

Hi Peter,

Welcome to Golden Carers. Yes , this is a very popular game and usually gets everybody involved; residents, staff and visitors.

Peter avatar

This is a wonderfull game, we call it in in our famaly in Germany "Worte herausholen" (= Make words out of it). We played it after the last war(1945) in the time in wich it was not possible to buy other games. Today we like to play the game sitting in the train or waiting for the meal in a restaurant.

Liz avatar
Liz Supervisor Recreation Therapy Program

Super.We have used the same idea using song titles, this gets everyone involved. For the visualy impaired we have used shorter titles like the months of the year and it is amazing how many words they can give you verbally.

sandi avatar

Great, another version is to do the same with the letters and then use boys/girls names, foods and animals that begin with that letter! This is successful in high care or low care - Cheers Sandi

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