World Kindness Day Ideas

World Kindness Day Ideas World Kindness Day Ideas
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Bernadette avatar

I like this idea. Very nice and the world need this.

Mel avatar

What date is world kindness day?

Solange avatar

Hi Mel, World Kindness Day is November 13.

Sharon avatar

Write a postcard to someone in the military. You an buy the postcards that you color a design on the front

Talita avatar

Oh this is a lovely idea Sharon!

Sheila avatar

We held a World Kindness Day/week 2 years ago which turned out to be a huge hit. I made some badges which we sold for funding care in the community - but if you wore a badge you took on a challenge to find something kind to do for someone throughout that week. There were some lovely stories that filtered through as people went out of their way to "go the extra mile".

Nita avatar

Like the concept .. Beautiful !

Ravina avatar

nice idea