Hi Sheila! The jack is the small white target ball that players aim for. The game comes with two sets of colored bowls - one set for each team. Players roll their bowls, trying to get closest to the jack. It's a fun, easy game to learn and enjoy with friends!
It's another way of presenting the same activity. For example you could use a TV or Projector as a group activity. You can even make your own quiz/slideshow/visual quiz, etc, and play that as a slideshow. So there are endless possibilities!
We don't have a daily print option yet. But, you can download the Weekly Calendar as a Word Doc, maybe bump the font size up, and then delete the columns you don't want.
So in 20-30 seconds you can have a daily calendar based on the weekly one.
Golden Carers has been such a help to increase the range of activity sessions that we provide. Our residents love so many of the activities that are on here. It is also lovely that we can share our own idea's to help others. I am so glad that we signed up to Golden Carers - I am always recommending it to other activity coordinators locally.
Carpet Bowls Game for Seniors