It Happened in April Quiz

It Happened in April Quiz
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Susan avatar

Another thought to others reading this for those who are not real text savvy you could always do a phone conference which is a lot easier

Susan avatar

Thank you for your input Janet

I am sure it will be helpful to others

Janet avatar

This is a great quiz. We are so pleased to have access to these great resources. Although our Reflections Friendship Group for people with dementia and their carers cannot meet in person, we are delighted that quite a few of our group have been able to join our Zoom online group including two people who live alone with dementia.

We always use one of your quizzes and yesterday we used this one. We break the quiz into two parts and mute everyone while the quiz questions are being read out. Then we invite people to put their hand up if they know the answer. They are then unmuted to say what it is. Everyone enjoys the online session and a chance to be with their friends. We even allocate people to virtual rooms at the start to chat in smaller groups.

Whilst we cannot change the circumstance we are in, we can make the best of them. Your resources are helping to bring some fun to our group. Thank you from me in the UK.

Solange avatar

Excellent Janet. Very creative.

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