Monthly Activity Attendance Checklist - Individual
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“Amazing!!!!! Soooo helpful and my 1st go to for quizzes! Thank you!”
Karen Casey, Activity Co-ordinator
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Hi Kate
I am in the middle of doing cert Iv in aromatherapy by online course it is fairly expensive,,I spoke to my facility manager and explained the benefits it could have for nursing home residents.
They gave me a scholarship payed by the company...put it to your manager. Try For information
our facility changed to recording this on the pc a few years ago but recently changed back to checking off manually. 1 form x 40 residents filled out daily. not sure what i'd prefer ??
hi julie , i use a monthly sheet one for each person i have mine on our IT system really easy to use and it is great for evidence base and it is measurable you can easily see if there are anyone missing out you can easily pick up the gaps it's great for accreditation and great for care plan reviews .
We currently use a monthly form, (by 80 residents) but I am thinking a daily form with each resident on that form would be more productive. It would use less paper, and you would be able to check off each activity daily as you go. Also good for viewing what activities are well attended or not. Opinions please welcome.
Thanks Solange, I will give it another try, because that will be very handy for me ......KathyBrooker
Hi Kathy, I've just tested it out and it does work on an IPad.
Hi, just wondering if this attendance sheet can be used on an I Pad, It is a great site kind regards KathyBrooker