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Susan Activity Director

Optimal Activities - Staff & The Physical Environment

Optimal Activities - Staff & The Physical Environment
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Susan avatar

Hi George

Maybe you can get some volunteers like family members

Maybe you can get some staff members from other departments to help

What does your boss say??

What about Other department heads

What did they have to say??

Maybe you have some residents who are high functioning that could run a group for you

Otherwise you may have to do independent activities which is not ideal

Susan avatar

Hi George

Here is another thought

I do not know where you are from but in the US the department of Medicare and Medicaid services requires that all staff are responsible for activities

They do not have to do anything fancy but they should help you out

Susan avatar

Yes the staffing ratio is optimistic hopefully you can get some volunteers to help you so the staffing ratios will be better perhaps also you can get resins to volunteers to help you. If you have higher functioning residence that would be willing to help that would to help you and it would make them feel good about helping . Maybe you can get family members to help you so the ratios can be better


Chris avatar
Chris Volunteer Programme Manager

Hello - I am interested in staff ratio's. The article suggests 1:4 however this seems a long way from what we often see with a ratio of one activities coordinator or DT to over 40 residents.

What sort of ratio do others have?

simonne avatar

Oh George how awful, it makes the job horrible.

simonne avatar

Yes, its a very important question, high risks when lifestyle staff are left with large number of residents and no support.

George Vowell avatar

Hi Chris, we have just dropped down to 60 residents : one DT. Our memory support unit really needs a DT in there all day and if they need help the ratio will be 90 residents : one DT. totally impractical.

Susan avatar

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