Price is Right - Picnic Edition

Price is Right - Picnic Edition

Shared By Letitia   United States

Found In: Activities The Price is Right

Residents try to guess the current prices at Walmart for items needed for a picnic. Reminisce about  preparing for the trip - shopping, packing the car, getting the kids ready, eating, and playing games. 

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Amy 3rd Jul 2024 Activity Coordinator
This was so fun! The activity lasted the perfect amount of time (1 hour). My residents really enjoyed it! I did make an adjustment and gave them a price rage to guess for each item.
Letitia 8th Jul 2024 4theLOv3!
Thank you, Amy! The Price is Right is a monthly activity for us because game shows are a big hit in our facility! I’m so glad you and those you serve enjoyed it and I love the price range idea!
Talita 27th May 2024
Thanks for submitting this Letitia! The Price is Right games are always popular, it's a great idea to do different themes.