

Diversional Therapist From Bay of Plenty, New Zealand New Zealand flag
Heather Diversional Therapist
9 years ago
That is a great program by the sounds. Tai chi is another fantastic exercise program. I had a Tai chi tutor who is trained through Australian Academy of Tai Chi. She came in twice weekly and within...
Heather Diversional Therapist
10 years ago
Tongue Twisters & Tricky Teasers
love the tongue twisters. More Please!!
Heather Diversional Therapist
10 years ago
For xmas we cut circles of cardboard, white or theme colour. use fancy edge sissors for a better effect. SIZE, ours were about the size of a dinner plate. Cut the cetre out so that the circle of card...
Heather Diversional Therapist
11 years ago
All Saints Quiz
On all saints day we had a short service, outside, taken by a local minister, and then released a helium balloon for each person who had died in the facility during the previous year. Also if staff ha...
Heather Diversional Therapist
14 years ago
Pampering Facials for Senior Care
We have a pampering day at least once a year and we get staff and volunteers involved. We have 3 or 4 foot spas going and then give foot and hand massages, someone painting fingernails, a hair dresser...
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Annatjie Greeff
Nursing Manager South Africa Flag
Annatjie Greeff

This site has meant the world to me. It is so broad and covers a lot of aspects of Elderly living. I am so confident about presenting my activities to my Residents, as we find it stimulating, both physical and cognitively