I have found that for any activity to work there must be a purpose. The lure of money usually works. Fundraising for a trip out or away can be fun. Growing and selling vegetables, seedlings and tomato sauces is a great way to motivate and raise money. The locals will soon be dropping in to buy their tomato seedlings etc.We have found our local Lions club to be very helpful. Maybe approach your local club/s for start-up funds to get started. Good luck.
To Robert. Our men's group took a trip to the local 'Around Again" a second hand shop connected to the local tip. Along with lots of reminiscing we purchased a wooden outdoor setting. With much sanding, oiling, beer drinking and mateship we now have a wonderful outdoor space to meet. The guys are now working on some of the facilities wooden park benches that need sanding and oiling. It takes time but that is what it is all about.
Sally as an alternative to Valentine's Day, Friendship Day works well. I have run Friendship Days for years with great success. Ideas: Make a card for a friend, pass on a good deed, give your neighbour a hug, make a phone call to a friend,let family know how much they mean, poems, jokes lots of flowers etc. We have red heart shaped bags full of Chocolate to hand out. We leave chocolate all over the facility including nurses station. Staff wear "I need a hug" signs on their backs. Great opportunity to build a sense of belonging. Always a chance for reminiscence - some times a little sad but healing also.
When i use the 'printer friendly' option the resulting form is in 11 font. This is too small to use. is there anything i can do other than copy and paste.