Member Profile:


From New South Wales, Australia

5 Activities

88 Comment

Heather 20th Apr 2021

ANZAC Day Poems

Love these poems thanks for sharing.
Heather 6th Jun 2019


Looking for new ideas for a high dementia unit Christmas party. Held at 12pm 44 residents plus one quest each. thank you in advance, pictures would be appreciated if your willing to share.
Heather 30th Apr 2018

Guess the Aussie Jingle

This is brilliant Joanne thank you so much for sharing it. Great Job.
Heather 21st Feb 2017

Match Ups

Love this activity thank you so much for sharing it.
Heather 25th Jan 2017


Interested in hearing what other facilities do when a resident has passed away and they need to remove them from their room to holding bay. Do they cover the face of the deceased or leave it uncovered. In the facility I work it is necessary to pass other residents in main area when taking them out therefore interested in what your facility would do if this was the case,

Question 1 : covering or uncovering the deceased face is a personal way?
Question 2: Is their legislation and protocols to be followed for this?
Question 3: What are your thoughts on covering or uncovering and why?

regards Heather
Heather 9th Jan 2017

Green Quiz

thanks for for putting some new ones up, my residents just love them.
Heather 18th Oct 2016

Daily Attendance Forms

management tells me we need tick sheets, not sure if its a legal requirement for accreditation but do as I am directed, I hated the old ones which had numbers 1 no participation 2 passive participation 3 participation with support. MM all high care residents need support one way or another therefore I felt it meant nothing, so I changed over to this way. I find it is has more meaning for high care as many residents sit and listen to trivia, music etc and engage in their own little way, you just need to be observant. thanks for sharing this.
Heather 18th Oct 2016


I would be lost without Golden Carers, Such a great site and always great when you need to get your mojo back. well done and so worth paying the reasonable fee to become a member, I suggest you don't hesitate and join now.
Heather 18th Oct 2016

Round Robin Stories

Thanks for reminding me about this, I have not done it for so long, living in the country we have done many stories about going to the river fishing, its so much fun. think I will throw this in tomorrow. love it. thanks for sharing.
Heather 18th Oct 2016

Two-Minute Activities for Dementia Care

Thank you for this, like Jo I do many of the above as I work in high care with many advance dementia clients and I feel its such a special time being able to share a little sparkle in ones life. Activities are not always about the large active group session but fitting in these simple little pleasures that we take so much for granted. Thank you once again.