Hi I work in an Adult Day Care Centre and we have been asked to provide stimulating activities with no budget. What would you class as stimulating? Thanks
Hi ladies I really enjoy making new games for our clients to try for a bit of fun and something different. Have any of you made games that are successful and fun?
HI Maria if you have a Lombards Party Shop in your area they are awesome for all sorts of party decorations. I recently visited the store in my area and almost died with the choice of decorations available. They are not that expensive and if you say that your from an aged care facility they may give you a discount.
Hi there I work in an adult day care centre and it is a non profit organization. Can anyone suggest any fun low cost activities? Any ideas greatly appreciated.
Hi there I already have my qualification in Cert IV in Leisure and Lifestyle in 2009 and now I'm thinking of doing the Diploma in Leisure and Health. Can someone please tell me what this higher qualification offers in the way of employment? Is it worth doing or would the Degree in Diversional Therapy be better?
Armchair Travel: A Sensory Experience for Seniors