I folded 3 trees last night whilst watching TV and even without decorations, my colleagues are gathering at my desk saying what a brilliant idea. They even want to have a craft afternoon at our next Staff Meeting and that was from our Co-ordinator who does not enjoy craft at all!! Thank You :)
I would also wonder about the food handling regulations. As my Centre is day based only we only have a small kitchen and an oven which is not fan forced. I have often thought of getting them to assist put the ingredients for a cake into a bowl ie..one client could measure a cup of flour, another put the egg in etc but do this activity at the table as opposed to the kitchen as the kitchen is smaller than a small bathroom. I thought of then passing the bowl around the table and asking the clients to say what they would add as they each give it a stir ie 'I would add love' or "I would add laughter' etc. We could then bake it and have for dessert with lunch. I will add it to the next months programme and see how it goes. :)
I'm thrilled that I discovered this marvellous site. It has become my "bible" for ideas, information and creativity. My clients absolutely love the activities I've picked up from Golden Carers. Thank you.
Carol Cosham Senior Activities Volunteer Australia