Like Kellie, I too have found an easier style of pom-pom making. I cut some cardboard rectangles and you just need to wind the yarn around the rectangle to the desired thickness then slip it off the cardboard and proceed as Kellie described (you may like to trim the pom-pom to neaten it up at the end). It is very quick and all our clients have happily participated in the activity. We are making a pom-pom garland which will be hung up as a Christmas decoration. Sam
I love Golden Carers! When I first became an ‘Activity Aide’ I spent hours scouring the internet looking for meaningful activities for elders experiencing cognitive decline. I finally found ‘Golden Carers’! I’ve passed along ’the find’ to the Activity Director of where I work. Thank you again for all that you do - Golden Carers is much more than a great resource for activities - it’s an education on how to provide ‘life’ to both workers and our elders.
How to Make Pom-Poms