Trish 11/4/14 you mention profiles on residents for activities for care plans . We do a activity participation for a month on a new resident .then we file it in their personal folder then for each participation they partake in we put it in our lifestyle activities folder so we can see how many time they participate and do a review every three to six months and compare with the care plan to see if the residents are enjoying the activities the we put on a calendar , each month we do up a calendar showing what actIvities are going to be on in the morning also just before lunch could be 1:1 or hand care. Then after lunch could be bingo or men's workshop or ladies pamper day . The activities need to be kept interesting have concerts with songs of the residents era. If you can't get some cheap performers the do it yourselves.have song sheet and music pref. 40s -50s 60s and some 70s and get up and sing and dance and muck around they love it . My partner and I had to once as our entertainment did not show. And the residents wanted more as they had a good time. From Helen a new member from WA. Mandurah
Thanks for publishing this one! I had a great time getting it together. The experience was fairly easy so I will be trying my hand at other DIY templates as well. Your site is the best I have used in the last 36 years of my career as an Activity Director, Certified! I wish I had known about your site whenever it first started! So much content and idea sharing… no need to reinvent the wheel! 😊