Hi all. Were are allowed to gently massage with sorbelene creams etc. we are not allowed to put oils directly onto the skin so I like mixing oils with water in a spray bottle. Only make what you will use in one session .
We have set up a men's Backysrd in our Aged Care facility.
We now have a garden shed a volunteer and myself who assists with making wooden items. Bird feeders , birds nesting boxes, Tiling tables. We made cat boxes for our cats to sleep in. Sort and reminisse with donations of old tools and nuts n bolts. Ask your kitchen to save the big tins and see through cintainers with lids.
You can start with an old wooden coffee table and have the men sand it and the next week apply varnish. I was taught by Dementia Specific clients on how to apply the varnish correctly.
Yes you do need to donate or get donations to start. Put up notices or advertise in your news letters, resident and relative meetings etc..
Golden Carers is absolutely fantastic - thank you so much - we work with Blind and visually impaired groups in the UK and many of your activities can be adapted for this client group.
Aromatherapy Recipes
Were are allowed to gently massage with sorbelene creams etc.
we are not allowed to put oils directly onto the skin so I like mixing oils with water in a spray bottle.
Only make what you will use in one session .