Golden Memories Karaoke Inc. there are 10 DVDs about 40.00 each. Absolutely amazing. Our residents love them. Every afternoon around 3.30pm they all sit in the large lounge and sing till their hearts are content. Country and western, Christmas AND hymns, Italian, OLD TUNES AND SOME FROM THE 50S AND 60S. i BELIEVE YOU WILL TRULY APPRECIATE THESES GEMS COMPLETE WITH APPROPRIATE PHOTOS FOR EACH SONG. large WORDS ON THE SCREEN
Thank you for the resources provided on Golden Carers. I found them immensely valuable, relevant and worthwhile. Educational and updated information provided. Great activity ideas and suggestions. The activities presented are appropriate and can be adapted to different client groups in any English speaking country. It is easy to read and understand the instructions and explanations.
Marilyn Willock-James Activity Officer United Kingdom
Biology Facts and Trivia