

Diversional Therapist From New South Wales, Australia Australia flag
Margaret Diversional Therapist
8 years ago
15 Activities for Loners and Introverts in Senior Care
I have recently started work as an 'activities officer' in aged care and at least one third of residents are basically non-ambulate - sitting in a water chair as well as non-verbal.most of these resid...
Margaret Diversional Therapist
9 years ago
Words in Words Game
we play similar to this regularly as our 'whiteboard Quiz'. I will particularly use "special events" as the header..... mother's/ father's day; Melbourne cup ,Christmas, happy new year, Easter hat pa...
Margaret Diversional Therapist
9 years ago
Reminiscing through Storytelling
hi Heather, what do you mean by "whose story is you not use the resident's name when you type up the story?
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Ellen Hargett
Community Social Services Asst United States Flag
Ellen Hargett

I just recently joined this site also and let me tell you it is WONDERFUL!!!! I am an activity director at a senior center and not only do our older seniors enjoy it but we also have a group respite program geared towards participants with dementia and Alzheimer's, that respond really well to the trivia/quizzes that the website offers. I am so thankful to have this site as a resource to assist with enhancing their quality of life!