Made power point of your 'these go together' activity. I find it easier with my residents to have something they can see, rather than just say the answers. Hope someone can use it.
i did this for my mens Group. I typed up the Occupations and Laminated them and stuck a magnet on the back and put them on the white board. we went through the occupations one by one guessing what the jobs where.
I held a Hawaii day last week and used some of your ideas. Luckily my mum has a pen friend in Hawaii, so she had lots of things that she had been sent over the years. Tea Towels, some Lava, Dolls, Jewellery, Post cards, Coconut bowls. We had Hawaiian music. I invited the local Yukelale group to come and play for us. It was the first time they had performed in front of a group. We all got Leis as we arrived. I Made placemats with a Hawaiian theme. The clients got a card with 'How to speak Hawaiian' inside it. we had Hawaiian pizzas for lunch (which the clients made), and lovely tropical Hawaiian Fruit Salad for desert, complete with umbrellas. I decorated the tables with fake Hibiscus flowers and some Flamingos I got from from Kmart. The staff all dressed up which was great. We played pass the pineapple sponge under our chin game, tried to Hula and Limbo. The clients said it was a great day
"Imagine life without Golden Carers. Imagine doing the same activities day after day because the Golden Carers site doesn't exist. Now wake up and breathe a sigh of relief it was all just a bad dream. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!"
Things that are Yellow