Hi everyone. Im an activity coordinator in the UK. I try to mark as many calender events as possible and that are relevant to the residnets in the home that i work at but i dont seem to be able to find anything for ideas on what do do for St Davids Day the patron saint of Wales. we have daffodils displayed around and we are baking some bara brith and having leek and potato soup but when i searched for St Davids Day there were no results on here. Does any one have any ideas for future years as it obviously a litlle late now or are there any other events that surprise us that noone seems to know about?
Golden Carers is AMAZING! We use it every day in one capacity or another. It has assisted to make our jobs easier as well as stepping up our activities! Thank you for all the materials and resources, keep up the GREAT work!
Susan Winiecki Director of Activities United States