Thanks for the advice. I will give this a try and see what response I get. We do have some lovely families that I am sure would support the idea. I will let you know if I succeed as I love the idea.
Hi Sue, How did you get the nearly new items in the first place. I have taken some residents shopping in the past but this would open up a whole new world.
I really can relate to this article. I seem to have lost my mojo as I am exhausted. As. Lifestyle leader the role, responsibilities and paperwork have grown significantly so my love of spending quality time with our residents mostly rests with my team. I miss those moments. I have began to feel it is time to hand the job over to someone else as my confidence has really taken a downward spiral. I am always on catch up. I will make plans to firstly have an honest conversation with my manager and my team. I will take some time to consider the future and what I can do to improve my wellbeing. Thanks for helping know I am not alone in this.
So glad I found you, your site is such a blessing to me 😊. I have been a PCA for 17 yrs. I am in charge of making up the monthly calendar and coming up with new ideas. It was starting to be a real challenge. I encourage all my residents to join in daily but they need new things offered to hold their interest. So glad I took a chance and signed up with you!!! You're making my job a lot easier. Thank you and keep up the great work !! It's so appreciated.
Matinee at the Opera