I have an idea to try little short skits from the Carol Burnett show. Has anyone ever tried this? I play them on my iPad for my lady (101 yrs old) that I care for and she laughs and also remembers watching them. Maybe get a resident/residents, staff, volunteers to be the actors and put on a skit occasionally. Many to choose from off her shows!
Love your short stories!! I sit around and read them aloud at different times throughout the day when the residents are bored and just sitting around. They love hearing them and I enjoy hearing them laugh
I just LOVE the multicultural section of this fabulous website. I work as a Activities Director at a day service facility and we are currently closed due to COVID! I am mailing/delivering personalized packages to our clients. We have clients of many different cultures and ethnic backgrounds. Adding pages of color-printed information from their country really brightens their day. The family members/care givers are delighted to see a spark in their loved ones eyes when they see and read about their history. I am becoming so educated myself learning all this. It will help me when we get back to work striking a spark in our clients eye when I reminisce with them about their culture. I seriously can NOT get enough of this fantastic site. xoxo :-)