Those are all great ideas! Thanks Haley! I am trying to think of ways to keep my Memory Café folks connected - as they are at their homes during this time - but I still check on them and call them - but what else can I do to keep us all connected. I am in the process of trying to do a zoom meet! Thank you for any suggestions!
I love Golden Carers! When I first became an ‘Activity Aide’ I spent hours scouring the internet looking for meaningful activities for elders experiencing cognitive decline. I finally found ‘Golden Carers’! I’ve passed along ’the find’ to the Activity Director of where I work. Thank you again for all that you do - Golden Carers is much more than a great resource for activities - it’s an education on how to provide ‘life’ to both workers and our elders.
19 Ways for Residents to Socialize in Isolation