Hi and HELP !. We have a new manager and I need to 'revamp' my activities board. She has an idea of 'laminated activity tags' that have a picture and name eg dart board and darts, that hang under the days of the week. Does any one know where I can download & print such labels from?
My passion as a Montessori guide so aptly put into words. Thank you. I have recently completed a Winston Churchill Memorial Trust travel Fellowship to study Montessori & Dementia. This article was waiting in my inbox when I returned!
Hi . We have had an intergenerational project running for almost 2 years now. We do crafts, games, card making etc . Each week we liaise with the childminder and decide on a topic or activity. We made table centres at christmas on log slices, we have iced gingerbread men & made banana ghosts. We are lucky to have been given a lot of materials, but before that we took it in turns to provide the necessary . Our residents love having the children around. Good luck and have fun, and prepare to be very flexible
"Imagine life without Golden Carers. Imagine doing the same activities day after day because the Golden Carers site doesn't exist. Now wake up and breathe a sigh of relief it was all just a bad dream. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!"
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