My seniors group absolutely love all the armchair activities provided by Golden Carers. We travel the world in the comfort of our little centre. I make a little booklet with the various activities for everyone to enjoy. Thank you
Hi, I printed out the picture music bingo and laminated them I draw the Call cards out of a box and hold it up and sing (not very well!) the first line of the songs. We love it at our centre! Lots of laughter! We reminisced about who wrote the songs and who sang them first, then googled each of the songs to confirm the answers.
I do a similar game called "Fives" Pick a five letter word and write down the side and then have 5 categories across the top. We then have to find 5 items under each category.. Gets the brain cells working!
I just renewed my membership. Couldn't be without the brilliant info and activities you supply to do my job with satisfaction. The resources are brilliant and made my job easier, more fun and so much more interesting. I work at a day centre for the elderly and they love all the ideas. Many thanks!
Japan Fact File
We travel the world in the comfort of our little centre. I make a little booklet with the various activities for everyone to enjoy. Thank you