I want to share activity photos with you when we made the Kokedamas. It was a successful activity this month and the residents named theirs as they know that talking to plants make them stronger!
We would like to do this. How many parts of coir/potting soil do you need. Also how many does it depending on the size we make I know, approx. How much moss should I get?
Hello Everyone We did this with our residents in Oshawa, Ontario. We pre quilled the strips of paper, and because it was the first time doing this craft, we asked the Residents just to be creative. Next time we are going to make flowers. Thanks to all the great people around the world who provide Golden Carers with their ideas!
Check out this for a fun game of Jeopardy . I let the residents hold on to their winning number and add up the the score for the two teams. Its been Fab!
I would like to congratulate Golden Carers for being an invaluable tool in enabling me to provide my Dementia clients with a wide range of appropriate activities.
Great value for money, I would recommend you to anyone working in this field. A big thank you!!!
Carole Godde Recreational Activities Officer Australia
Dignity by Jigsaw