Hi there, I'm an activities coordinator in a dementia care home in the UK, my team has recently joined this site and it looks fantastic so far, we're really looking forward to implementing the ideas we have already been able to plan using this site as a guide. I work on a unit overseeing the wellbeing of 30-40 people, the residents I work with tend to be bedbound and so my activity schedule is largely 1 on 1. I was wondering if anyone else here in a similar position has come up with a creative or helpful way to monitor engagement with their residents? The obvious solution is probably a tick-sheet or tally system, but that feels a little impersonal to me. If anyone has any tips or tricks regarding keeping myself on track and not leaving anyone out, I'd be very appreciative of any advice you have to give.
Thanks, and I look forward to getting to know this community better!
I am absolutely thrilled to have found this site. My colleagues and I use the resources daily. I would be lost without it! Congratulations on building a site that just keeps on giving!
Jane Barwick Day Service Supervisor United Kingdom
Much appreciated.