I did this on my assisted living unit. They glued the pieces to a plain sheet of paper, then I trimmed them into neat squares and covered in clear contact paper. I arranged all the squares into a nice arrangement and taped them to a piece of tablecloth. I hung it up with a pretty sign in their lobby. Even residents who didn't participate in making it have really enjoyed it. One gentleman requested us to send a picture of it to his daughter who makes quilts herself.
I co-own and operate a small assisted living home in Pittsfield, NH (U.S.A.). We consistently seek ways to improve upon our senior activity program, providing a diversified balance of a purposeful and enjoyable time of recreation, crafting, exercise and others to reach all of our residents. I must say, it's been a challenge. This past October I began researching options online and came across your site, subscribing for a year to see what you were all about. Let me tell you, you have not disappointed! Your site is a priceless resource that we are extremely thankful for. We find a significant increase in resident participation and look forward to the new ideas that each month brings. Our residents love the changes!
Community Scrapbook Quilt