I have always worked in facilities where this is the case so it didn't occur to me that some places might do it another way. My understanding has always been that 1:1 activities aren't put on the calendar, for me the expectation is that you do them around the activity time when group activities take place. For hairdressing, are you the hairdresser? Is the concern maybe that you are canceling activities while a person or two are getting their hair done, when there could be another group? Perhaps they would be open to having it on there for the resident's to be informed if there was also an additional activity taking place at that time? Manicures I find a tough one, it can definitely be a 1:1, but I've done it where it is a group of ladies all sitting around a table having discussions, not just painting nails - i like susan's idea of nail art but you may want to be careful that you are not blatantly disobeying your boss as that could be problematic. I honestly don't understand why communion or songs of praise shouldn't be put on the calendar, but I work in Catholic homes where it is expected that religious services and happenings are on the calendar. It could again perhaps be seen as something activities is not actively leading and maybe they want something else to be offered at that time as well. More clarification on what your boss wants instead may be helpful. -- ps typed all this and then realized it was a post from three years ago haha