About Michelle: Hi all! I have been an activity director for a residential assisted living home for 2+ years. My heart goes out to the elders and I love spending time with them, especially during art class! I'm a firm believer that art heals the mind and body, and love to spend time creating.
When I implemented this system for her, she stayed in her apartment more and appeared very content to me on my frequent check-in's. She is less emotional and crying about not knowing where she is or wanting to go home. Her time in group activities is more productive and she seems to be in better spirits.
At first this was a lot to do for one person, but once I got the main system set up and going consistently, I started doing it for other residents and it's working more than not. It has helped ME so much in cutting down on the constant need to redirect, and knowing that the communication piece is in place and that the resident will be able to self-educate, self-contain and become more self-reliant during the times I or someone else cannot be with them (because the resident is unable to operate on what our business-operating needs are, so we have to operate when/how they need us). Because, as you said, we're mostly dealing with behaviors.
Something that helps with other's too, is, I have arranged activity space in the activity room for my residents that need individual activities within a group environment. I am able to work three different tables of activities, accommodating three or more different levels of residents needs this way, including their ability to come and go when they get restless, or as needed, while I'm conducting a bigger group activity. But I think this only works because I have the note/calendar systems set up in the residents' rooms. So they are constantly redirecting themselves, as needed, while I am making sure they are getting the activity they need.
Hope any of this is helpful.