With our set up, I can't do the sitting around tables bit. Perhaps if I draw the "items" on a white board, let the residents study it, and then remove one at a time?
7th Feb 2023
Elder Care/Activities Director
Being "budget challenged", I made a new list incorporating many of those here, plus a bunch more that are easily drawn by hand (even by me, and that's saying something!! :-D )
I'm working with a 4 x 5 bingo card (therefore 20 spaces) and hand-drawing a bunch of bingo cards whilst I do evening shifts and there isn't too much to do (baring emergencies!).
7th Feb 2023
Elder Care/Activities Director
Mixed congnitive and physical abilities group - ideas that fit this profile?
I am working with a group that numbers generally between 6 and 11 each time I do activities. My time is limited to not more than 1.25 hours of actual activity time, as I set up, serve, and clean up the tea/coffee/snacks before and after.
Sometimes we have a visitor - family member or companion to one of the residents, and then the dynamic picks up, but generally, I have a group that includes mild - moderate dementia (various sorts and manifestations), plus a couple of people who are more congnitively able, but physically challenged due to stroke or Parkinson's.
Sometimes, they dynamic is great, and sometimes I feel like poor old Sisiphus, pushing the proverbial rock uphill... :-/ If I make it easy, then my more congnitively able folks are bored, and too hard, the others fall asleep (well, they do that sometimes anyway :-)
I've been doing themed activities using some of the armchair travel ideas (scaled down for our time and budget limitations - which are severe, btw), and I often make quizzes that I tie to bingo games by anouncing the number of the quizz question (and writing it on a whiteboard), so the appropriate bingo number can be covered. It works, but I don't want to do that every time, and it's also time consuming coming up with extended questions (more than the # on the GC quizzes).
We also play lots of different word games (some from GC) on the whiteboard, but usually the same 3-4 people answering. I have also created a couple of floor games, but again, it can be challenging for those physically limited to participate. My giant foam dice are good in this regard.
At the end of the long post (thank you for getting this far!!), I am after some easy games that are both simple to plan and to execute (keeping in mind our almost non-existant budget) and that are fun without being painfully simple or insulting for our "smart set", if you will.
22nd Jan 2023
Elder Care/Activities Director
I like to have relevant videos running whilst I gather my resources and make tea and coffee as residents gradually make their way to the activity area in the half hour before we officially start.
Then, I also try to have another shorter video on some topic pertaining to the theme. I show this at the start of our time whilst residents wrestle their cookie and tea into submission and I gather my wits ;-)
Here are a couple of videos I'm going to use this week for our Tea Time activity period:
Red or Black Card Game