Any tips/tricks/advice for increasing participation in Resident Council meetings? Our building can hold 114 (Mix between SNF/LTC) and we typically stay around 105-110. We generally have 8-10 residents attend the RC meeting. I've tried to convince other residents to attend and they refuse or they're unable to come to the meetings (schedule conflict with appointments, medical reasons, personal reasons, or IP reasons.) For those that are unable to attend, do you give them an individual paper to write concerns and discuss them in the RC meetings, or how do you go about that? Since it's typically the same residents attending, I feel like we're talking about the same things over and over.
THANK YOU for ALL YOU DO! Your website is remarkable and I'm so glad I found it! It's truly made my job easier. I go to private care homes (5 to 8 people) and do fun activities once or twice per week.