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Recreational Lifestyle Officer From New South Wales, Australia

2 Comment

Debbie 25th Jul 2024 Recreational Lifestyle Officer


It can be hard finding activities that they will participate in. Try and find out a bit more about each person and what they may have enjoyed in the past. Ask them what they want to do, ask family members, which I am sure you have already. Just keep trying different activities and keep trying some you have already done as I find sometime you may do a particular activity and they enjoy it and you then might do it again in 2 weeks and they dont enjoy it. Dont be disheartened. Just keep trying and all you can do is document that you have tried and they declined to participate, At least it shows you are trying. I also find some will not join in group activities but will do some activities 1:1 with you so factor this into your programing and they might be more comfortable doing it in their room so offer portable activities that you can take and do in their room.
Debbie 18th Jul 2024 Recreational Lifestyle Officer


Yes I totally agree. The resources are fantastic.