Activities for
Recreational Therapy

Golden Carers provides support and inspiration to Recreation Therapists, Lifestyle Coordinators and Activity Assistants. Save time with thousands of meaningful ideas that make your job easier!

Welcome to Golden Carers, a website devoted to the Promotion and Improvement of Caring for People. The industry has various titles to describe what we do and through the years it has been changing and evolving.

Speaking personally, Diversional Therapy is a profession that gives a great sense of achievement. There is something special to be able to lighten the burden of our client's lives. Leisure and social activities can significantly improve the quality of life by enhancing health, stimulating the senses and helping to maintain fitness.

In Australia we were called 'recreation workers' or 'recreational officers' and formal education was not a pre-requisite for the job. Today in Australia and New Zealand we are called 'Diversional Therapists' and in the United States and Canada 'Recreation Therapists'. Recreational Therapists & Diversional Therapists usually have a diploma in Community Care but degree qualification is also available.

Our job is to devise and implement meaningful leisure activities for those who for one reason or another find it difficult to get actively involved in recreational pursuits. We work in nursing homes, day care centers, respite care facilities, schools, and hospitals and at the homes of individual clients. Our clients are children, adults and seniors. They may have some form of handicap or be frail from illnesses and/or age.

Join us and share ideas! Whether you're a diversional therapist, recreational therapist, nurse or personal carer - we'd love to hear from you!

Our website specialises in documentation and activities for Recreational Therapy.
