Sample Weekly Program for Memory Care

Sample Weekly Program for Memory Care
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MALINDA avatar

Hi, I'm new to this Position and still learning new things. any suggestions would be a great help. I work with Alzheimer's & Dementia. Thanks in advance!

Susan avatar

Hi Malinda

You have a great start by looking at this sample calendar. In another comment. There is a link to other sample calendars.

But besides that first find out what the residents like to do or what they respond to

Here are some other ideas, and that would help to know if the group is early or late stage or a mixture

I always like music activities

It uses many parts of the brain

spiritual and sensory stimulation are great too

Feel free to ask more questions and give me more information so I can be a better help

Susan avatar

Hi Sylvia

Yes this is a challenging group to work with

Perhaps you can look at other sample calendars

One or two of mine is in this group and what I did it is not put a specific time but rather early morning late morning early afternoon etc.

That way you’re not held to a specific time

Oh I like music activities because most people with dementia can still sing in fact they may not speak but they can sing

Also I’d like to play table balls and other balloon activities but make them really simple

Make sure to read the comments also

Guest avatar

Hi like the idea of a weekly program.I run the activities in a residential home..most of my seniors are at the end stage dementia...I try and do the group ideas..but mostly it's 1 on 1. Can you give me ideas that worked for your residents who are not mobile.That is they stay in the same chair or are in a wheelchair. I think I will change my routine from a week theme to a day theme. Also it's really hard..some days go like clock work and the next looks and feels like you have achieved nothing...all ideas are welcome,specially for the almost blind clients

and after 2pm is difficult to do activities. thanks

Brianna avatar


This is great! Do you have any more weekly programs created? I just see October 2012. Would love to use something like this at my facility.


Caz avatar

Love this weekly programme, anyone have any more samples?? want to make sure I am covering all angles, ideally would like to cover a fortnight with different types of activities...

Kate avatar
Kate leisure&Lifestyle assistant

i've worked in various facilities and i've noticed that most residents in the hostel area and Dementia Specific enjoy helping with domestic activities from making beds, washing and drying dishes, baking - mixing ingredients, hanging and folding washing, folding napkins, help setting up activities etc. They feel needed and a have a sense of self worth.kate

Wendy avatar

I have observed day care residents in Dementia Care respite cottage who are no longer verbal, singing and also following the printed words and thoroughly enjoying themselves. Music WORKS. Wendy N

Maryann avatar
Maryann Diversional Therapist/Lifestyle Manager

hi can someone please send me a copy of their weekley program would luv a few- for ideas its for 6-7 day program for HOSTEL RES.thanks MARYANN

Kellie-Anne avatar

great program !!

Aranui Rest Home and Hospital avatar

I am in level 3 Dementia, I agree singalong is

a great activity, for the ones that dont sing they

play musical instruments, shakers, bells etc. I've even learned how to play the ukelele, and that certainly livens things up. Marina

Nicola avatar

I'm trying to learn Ukulele too it would be so much easier if I didn't have to keep changing chords! I have to play everything so slowly and you can still spot the changes...

Solange avatar

Hi marina, Congratulations on your dedication! Learning the Ukelele

to enliven things up! Well done