Golden Carers provides support and inspiration to Recreation Therapists, Lifestyle Coordinators and Activity Assistants. Save time with thousands of meaningful ideas that make your job easier!
The Golden Carers website is dedicated to providing stimulating activities for seniors. Golden Carers provides a comprehensive catalogue of activites for seniors. Our range of senior activities is updated frequently and includes ideas for celebrating calendar events and special days.
Enhance the lives of the senior citizens in your care for with our range of stimulating senior activities! There are so many ways you can bring joy and fulfillment with thoughtful activities for seniors. Our range of senior activities covers one one one, arts & crafts, outdoor, multicultural, cooking, social, male specific, music, games, sensory and trivia.
We also invite you to share your experiences and ideas with our large community for senior care givers. If you have some tried and tested activities for seniors please share your experience.
Browse through our directory of activities for seniors and documentation for seniors in aged care facilities!