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Letitia 28th May 2024 4theLOv3!
This looks like such a fun reminiscing session! Can’t wait to try it!
Shirley 12th Mar 2019 Activity Director
I am always pleased at the amount of research that you do. Thanks for the help. Hopefully I can find a story teller as well that would be nice
Talita 17th Mar 2019
Thanks so much for your feedback Shirley!
Joanne 21st Mar 2013 Leisure and Lifestyle Co ordinator
I have previously done this activity...I borrowed books from the Library, checked out the second hand shop and borrowed books from around the facililty and photocopied the covers (in A3), laminated them and used them as prompts for the residents to remember...some even borrowed the books to read later. It also makes you want to read them again too...especially the children's ones.